December is nice because the first few snowfalls are beautiful and not dark and yucky slush, and we have the beautiful twinkling Christmas light displays and the excitement of the approaching holidays to pull us through.
January isn't as magical but hey, we started a new year and we've got goals and resolutions that we are excitedly working on! January, we GOT this!!
Then February kicks in. And the snow keeps piling up and the windchill keeps dropping and our faces hurt when we are outside for ten seconds. Then the stores stock up on Valentine's chocolates (read: comfort food!) and we are all too tempted to eat ALL THE FOOD and sleep February away ..
And before you know it, March and spring come along and holy wow, did we ever waste an entire month feeling bad about ourselves. And then the "bathing suit fear" sets in and we get to work again.
That was my pattern for the past three years. Although My fear wasn't of the bathing suit, it was the shorts. Don't ask.
This year, while the winter blues have tried their best, the haven't managed to win me over. And they won't. I will NOT go on for a fourth year, gaining back a LOT of the weight I'd worked so hard to lose and having to start all over again come the summer time.
I've learned from my mistakes. And I'm in a totally different place now. I don't want to pig out on those comfort foods because I understand that it'll make my body feel gross. I understand that if I drop off my workouts, I'll feel sluggish and lethargic. I get how my body functions and I love how I feel when I'm eating well and exercising. And I love it! I want to live healthy! It's not about the weight loss - it's about how incredible living healthy makes me feel! (Even though yeah, I do celebrate my weight loss too!)
So I've got some tips on how to beat the winter blues. I want to help you come out of winter still on track. I want you to be able to face summer without worrying about winter weight!
1. STOP wishing for winter to be over. Guys, I get it .. I want to go outside without 6 layers of fleece on, too. But dwelling on the "winter go away" will make it seem like it's lasting forever. Try to think of other things and not on your hatred of shoveling the driveway.
2. Try something new. Take a new workout class, or an art or pottery class. Visit one of those places where you can make your own wine. Go to a museum! But whatever you do, make sure it's something that'll get you up off the couch. Having a marathon session on Netflix is not going to help you beat the blues.
3. Finding it hard to get your workouts in? Buy yourself a new workout shirt. Or headband. Or pants. It'll help motivate you to do it!
4. Wanting to indulge on carbohydrates? Especially hot ones? Keep a big pot of soup in your fridge. Grab a bowl, heat it up, and watch your cravings disappear. Have a cup of coffee in the afternoon instead of freshly baked goods.
5. Keep a written list of your goals in an area that you will see it constantly. Refer back to them any time you are struggling. Seeing your goals in your own writing will REALLY make a difference when you're tempted to veg on the couch.
So those tips I just listed? They are my personal list. As in, I do them personally and they are what's helping me with my blues. I also refer back to my "before" pictures .. Remembering how bad I felt both physically and emotionally at that size really helps me when I'm tempted to skip a workout or eat bad things.
Are there things that help you beat the winter blues? Feel free to share them .. You never know who you'll be helping!
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