Monday, July 13, 2015

That Thing About Blogging ..!

Ever since the ripe old age of seven years old, I've loved to write. I would write mostly my own original stories (about my family or my hamsters - really enticing stuff - ha!) but I can also recall spending HoUrS designing my own Goosebumps cover art and putting together a scary story. I loved getting lost in the new little world I was creating with my pencil and paper. 

I had a diary, too, but I didn't really get into it much until I was a bit older, maybe around eleven or twelve. And I wrote in my journal every single day. I loved it. I felt like it was that one best friend I could pour my heart into without judgement. 

I fell away from journaling when I got hooked into the cyber world .. And it wasn't until my friend Christina introduced me to the world of blogging that I'd start up again. And this time, I was happy to share my story with everyone. 

The thing about journaling / blogging is that it can be quite addictive! I'd start blogs about different parts of my life - one for my fitness journey, one for my family's adventures, one about thankfulness .. It got to be a bit overwhelming, so I brought myself back to just focus on the one (this one!). 

This blog focuses on my healthy living journey. Weight loss. Recipes. Races. Struggles. I do want to change it up - Healthy Foodies, Losing Booties was the focus when I started it up. I'm not just about eating healthy to lose weight anymore. I'm about living healthy, being fit, and being happy. I'm learning about myself and setting goals and going through some scary but incredible changes. I want my main blog to reflect those things. I want my main blog to be my healthy and happy living journal. I've mentioned maybe beginning a new blog in the past .. I feel like the time is right to get moving on that. 

Today I was browsing through some of those other blogs of mine (side note: getting inspired again to keep writing!) and I came across this. 

My original "before" picture. The one I thought was lost with my phone that was stolen. The one that started it all. 292lbs.

I just wanted to share that with you.
I'm hope you have a great day .. And remember .. When you feel inspired to do something? Do it! Don't let little opportunities slip by!

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