Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October Fitness Challenge

September was a very trying month for me. I struggled HARD to find a balance between mothering-working-housewifing-fitness training .. My days were waaaaaay busier than I would have liked them to be and in trying to please everyone (but myself), I felt very stressed, anxious, overtired and spun out of control. The mandatory overtime at work and negative situations I was drawn into were the straws that broke this Mama's back and towards the end of the month, I knew I needed to take a step back and regroup before I had a complete break down. This meant forcing myself to rest and cutting back on commitments. This meant I was spending more time at home, getting some mental and emotional healing from my beloved Team Lego. It meant scaling back on my (also beloved!) blog. It meant listening to my body and not attempting to set personal records while exercising, but just maintaining the exercise routine.

I started to feel better. My kids, who had been feeding off my anxiety, also started to be better.

I'm now starting October refreshed and with a new attitude. I have learned the valuable lesson in better managing my time, not over-booking myself, and stopping myself from trying to please everyone while forgetting about my own needs. I'm getting my house chores back on schedule, my weekends less crazed, and my blogging back!

It's the first of October and I'm feeling better than I have in weeks!

And so, I must admit, my September fitness challenge didn't quite get defeated, and I'm okay with that. My goal was to get 25 consecutive push-ups and sit-ups. I was able to get to 12 push-ups (halfway there!) and 45 sit-ups (in 3 reps of 15!)

My goal for October is to keep up with my daily planking to get to a PR of one minute and thirty seconds. I KNOW that if I plank once a day for 31 days, I'll be able to meet my goal!

I'm also going to make sure I get an hour of yoga in every week and to keep up with my running ... I have two 5K runs booked this month that I'd love to set PR's at! :)
Looking forward to seeing this number grow!

And so, dear October: be nice to me, and I'll return the favor!

Have a fabulous and fitness-filled month, everyone!!

Dear Fall: oh, how you take my breath away :)


  1. Glad to hear you took some time for yourself. It is always important to take care of yourself emotionally as well as well as physically. keep taking care of team Lego. miss ya girl
