Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ab & Core Challenge - Week One!

So far with my September Fitness Challenge, I've learned the importance of stretching properly before and after each workout. I find I'm not as sore the next day and that my workout is MUCH easier when my muscles are warmed up from a nice stretch!

I've learned a lot about how much I can push my body before I cross that invisible line ... I pulled a muscle in my abdomen this week .. You don't realize just how much you need to use your abs until your body won't let you. Big ouch. Listen to your body and know your limits! Push yourself - but also know when you've pushed hard enough. If something doesn't feel right - check your position, stretch it out, or take a break. 

I've learned the importance of stretching properly before and after each workout. I find I'm not as sore the next day and that my workout is MUCH easier when my muscles are warmed up from a nice stretch!

 I've learned that my workouts are much more fun and I'm able to push that much harder when my little boy is telling me, "Good boy mama! You can do it!" :)
Boy Lego doing the "bicycle" leg / ab workout!
It's really cool when Boy Lego sees me exercising and joins in, too. How inspiring is it to see my fitness lifestyle rubbing off on my kids! My kids have both started to join in on my workouts and we have so much fun! I beam with pride to see them enjoying the activity :)
Team Lego workout! Stretch first!
We truly are role models for our kids. If we want them to lead healthy and active lifestyles, they need to see us leading by example. 
Monkey see, Monkey do! :)
So to recap my first week: injury aside (and lesson learned, thank you, dear abdomen!), I am SO beyond happy with how this week has gone. When I first started the challenge, push-ups and sit-ups were actions I could only dream of doing .. And I'm getting there! I worked on crunches to build my ab strength and am now able to do FOUR proper sit-ups consecutively!! That is HUGE for me! I also worked on planking (the dolphin plank, to be exact .. This pose is a great plank starting point for me!) to build upper body strength for my push-ups .. And I'm now able to do SIX half-push-ups! I'm slowly working on my upper body and arm strength to be able to lower myself down the whole way.
Dolphin Planking .. with company!
I'm so stoked with my results! I'm seeing progress and loving it!! Getting my sweat on feels AWESOME and I'm so proud!!

Can't wait to see where my September challenge will bring me! :)


  1. Great job, Mama Lego! And I LOVE the pics, so cute!

  2. Wow Great Job Laura!!! I just love the pictures with your kids super cute :) one week down three more to go :) We can do it!
