Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hello, 2014!

Aloha everyone!

Nope, doesn't mean I've been away vacationing in Hawaii all this time, though how cool would that have been?! Wow, I haven't posted since November 2013. So hi there, 2014! 

I have been on hiatus .. And by running this blog as long as I have, I can definitely see a pattern. Winter + my healthy lifestyle goals = FAAAAIL. Maybe I should consider this Hawaii thing?

Anyhow. This winter, I definitely learned a whole crap load about myself. I feel I've had a lot of growth this time around, mentally yeah (definitely physically, wow, hello, chubby tummy), but growth within understanding myself and how my mind operates. I'll go over all that in a later blog post. Maybe it'll bore you to read, but methinks it'll do me a bunch of good to get off my mind and put it out into the world. Mental unloading a la blog!

So. Last I checked, back in November .. I think I was around 250lbs. I'm now 269.2. I forced myself back onto the Weight Watchers train to try desperately to get my bouncy booty back on track (I kept getting emails from them with a too-good-to-be-true promotion that I definitely took as a much-needed sign!). Weight Watchers has never failed me in the past - I know it will work if I work it. I joined Easter week (dumb, dumb, dumb) and blew my points out of the water within a few days .. But I tracked every single bite to be accountable. Success? :)

I love how friendly the app is - it greets me every time! :)

Not going to lie .. My first few weeks back on program haven't been easy. Some days are better than others (significantly so!). I've struggled to behave within my diet. I want to eat bad things all the time. But I'm doing it. 

I. Am. Doing. It. 

My goal at this point isn't to be perfect on my plan or to run a marathon next week. My goal is to keep gently easing myself back onto my happy, healthy living path. I want to celebrate when I make better food and beverage choices. I want to go for walks and get back into the running zone (eventually). I want to encourage my kids to make healthier, active choices.

I want to be in a better place health-wise than I was this winter. 

I'm getting there, slowly but surely. I didn't put on this weight in one night and I'm certainly not going to lose it in one night. I'm a work in progress .. A smiling one! :) 

So .. I hope you'll welcome my stories and posts back into your days! 

PS. Thank you to Joy .. You've inspired and motivated me more than you'll ever know! Xoxo 

1 comment:

  1. Yippee to posting again! I hear ya about the winter it really is hard to stay on track.. This winter was long! But spring is here and we got this :) Thanks for the kind works, it really meant a lot. I was very touched. I hope you are enjoying your Mother's Day.
